• Annual Rent Increase Letters

      You may have recently recieved an annual rent increase letter and rent account statement. This should contain all of the information you require, however we have provided the below information to assist.   Changes to payments you make to us :   If you get housing benefit paid to you you will need to inform housing benefit of the change   If you are on full housing benefit  that is paid to us there is nothing for you to do, we will advise housing benefit of the increase   If you are on part housing benefit we cannot advise you of new payments until the housing benefit has been recalculated. This is likely to be around mid March.   If you are on Universal Credit  you will need to inform UC of the changes in rent and eligible services yourself. However they will not accept these until 3 April 2023   If you pay by Direct Debit   we will make any changes for you, however if you are also on part Housing Benefit we will need to wait for the recalculation to be done first   If you pay by standing order/bankers order you will need to change the amounts with your bank we cannot do this for you.  If you are on part Housing Benefit or Universal Credit then new amounts will not be known until the recalculation is done.   If you pay full rent yourself then the payments need amending accordingly ie weekly/ 2 weekly/4 weekly /calendar monthly amount (this is weekly rent x 52 divided by 12 to get calendar monthly figure where you pay on same date each month)   Post office card payment as above , but to give new amount in when you pay   MyHome as above, you will need to put in new amounts when making payment   If you pay over phone We will calculate new amount for you when you call to pay

    27th February 2023

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  • Do We Have Your Up To Date Details?

    We are currently updating our records, and as part of this we are checking that the contact information we have for our tenants is up to date. Having your up to date information makes sure we can get repairs booked in, keep you up to date with important information and let you know what's happening in your area. We may use your contact information form time to time to obtain feedback on our services and this helps us to know what we are doing right and what we need to improve on. So if you have recently updated your phone number or email address, please get in touch and let us know. You can do this by: Phone- 0151 647 5471 Email- info@wmhaltd.org.uk MyHome- My Home - Wirral Methodist Housing Association - Log in - My Home - Wirral Methodist Housing Association (wmhaltd.org.uk) We do not share your contact information or keep hold of it for longer than we need to. For more information on how your data is stored, please view our privacy policy here: Privacy Notice

    23rd February 2023

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  • Welcome to our New Website

    We are excited to be launching our brand new website. For the past few months, we have been reviewing, re-writing and re-designing our website to ensure it is fit for purpose and meets all of our tenant's needs. We want to make it as easy as possible for tenant's to access what they need such as reporting a repair; paying rent and getting in touch. We wanted to ensure our website reflected our values as an organisation such as our commitment to keeping tenant's informed; being accessible by all and being technology friendly. Although we are launching our website today, we are aware that in order to continue to be fit for purpose, our website must be regularly updated and reviewed. We also welcome your feedback on how we can keep our website relevant and show our tenants the things you need to see. So please give us your feedback by emailing info@wmhaltd.org.uk or by giving us a call on 0151 647 5471

    6th February 2023

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Wirral Methodist Housing Association has been providing quality housing in Wirral and Ellesmere Port since 1964.
We have over 850 properties that range from houses, flats, supported accommodation, sheltered accommodation and shared ownership.
We are a community based not-for-profit organisation that strives to be caring, responsive and to make a real difference.

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It’s important we keep tenants at the focus of everything we do. Find out all the ways you can get involved at Wirral Methodist Housing Association.

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How To Contact Us

How To Contact Us

It’s important that you are able to get in touch when you need to. Click here to find out all the ways you can contact us.

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Complaints, Compliments and Comments.

Complaints, Compliments and Comments.

Sometimes we don’t get it right but it’s important we get feedback so we can continually improve our service. We also want to hear what we do well. Click here to find out how you can leave your feedback.

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